


Tech Garden and R&D in Kazakhstan

On behalf of Tech Garden yesterday took part in the forum "Development of human capital as the basis of economic growth of the country", organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



A trilateral agreement concluded to implementat the project "Development of an integrated solution for the digitalization of a coal deposit" between ACF "PIT", Shubarkol Premium JSC and Intelligent Digital Solutions LLP

Under the agreement, the parties assumed obligations to ensure the implementation of the project "Development of a comprehensive solution for the digitalization of a coal deposit"



A trilateral agreement was concluded on the investigation of the project between ACF "PIT", LLP "Komarovskoye Mining Enterprise" and LLP "Communications Kazakhstan"

Subject of the contract: Development of software and its implementation at the enterprise to ensure employee positioning.



Almaty city hosts an Anniversary Forum Digital Almaty 2023

The V International Digital Forum “Digital Almaty: Digital Partnership in a New Reality” will be held in Almaty on February 2-3, 2023, reports the Press Service of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of



The start of accepting applications for this year's final and largest technology marathon in the history of Tech Garden

Tech Garden with the support of the IT-Hub "Terricon Valley" is pleased to announce the start of accepting applications for technological marathon



Presentation of the «Model Factory» project as part of participation in the World Bank’s grant program

Today the CEO of Tech Garden successfully presented the «Model Factory» project for the International Expert Commission on Science and Commercialization