"Windows" of new opportunities

The head of state instructed to establish mutually beneficial cooperation between industry and the IT industry. This will create technology platforms that can drive the digital ecosystem.

In the third five-year plan of industrial and innovative development, special attention will be paid to the transfer of new technologies, promoting the digitalization of industry and technological modernization.

In this regard, the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development is solving the task set by the President of the country: to bring the number of large and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises that have introduced digital technologies to two hundred by 2025.

The Ministry plans to create an ecosystem to support domestic industrial and IT enterprises using the Smart Industry Management Platform technology platform, created jointly with the Autonomous Cluster Fund "Park of Innovative Technologies" and JSC "QazIndustry".

Read more about the strategy of introducing Industry 4.0 technologies into the industry of Kazakhstan in the new material "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda".

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